Welcome!  Here we pray Holy Spirit refreshes your soul with the knowledge of the One…Father God and His enormous love for you.


Hello.  My name is Niki Henderson and I am a wife to Rick and homeschooling mom to my 6 kids: Carrissa, Ailsa, Jaida, Ayin, Tymon, and Skylar.  I totally relate to the verse 1 Cor. 1:27 “God chose the foolish in the world to shame the wise; God chose what is weak in the world to shame the strong.”  So, I’m laughing to think God wanted me to start a blog.  Writing is not my talent…at all. 🙂  I wanted to start this blog to simply share what God is teaching me through His Spirit in my life with the day to day good, bad and comical.  I’m also an herbalist, enjoy nature, lover of books, walks, music, dancing, and all things peaceful.

And now introducing the star of the blog…Jen Johnston my wonderful sister-in-law!  She is wife to Brian and homeschooling mom to her 4 kids:  Cooper, Riley, Hawkin, and KeNan. She has been a grace giving, encouraging friend over the years and her spiritual insight refreshes my soul.  Of course that’s why I wanted her to blog with me!  She enjoys books, especially reading the Word, creative at knitting, loves babies and has many little creatures.


Feel free to contact us with any questions you have.